Monday, July 17, 2006

Hack Bone Again

Here I am in Indiana. I'll try not to bore you, but I had a great weekend: Arrived Saturday morning, went with my mother to the Indianapolis Museum of Art. The IMA is renovating and slowly opening more galleries. Since I had last been there they've opened their African gallery (with a random Polynesian annex) which I thought was great - fantastic selection of art and some examples on how it informed European impressionists. Anyway, more excitingly I suppose, there was a temporary exhibit of the neon work of Bruce Nauman. The woman who gave us tickets warned us about the "Adult Content In The Last Room" - she practically shouted it at us - and, sure enough, there was a giant neon boners conga line in the last room. Where I was standing with my mother. Aye.

Saturday night I spent some time with the always-excellent Matt Allen and his poochito Seigfreid. We had a walk and listened to a nearby wedding. It's been nice this weekend to drive around Indy alone. Familiarity after a couple months of no-fixed-location and then moving to a new city.

Sunday morning I did the God thing, made breakfast with my mother (eggs and fruit), and in the early afternoon went to see my fantastic friend Steve. Not to be mushy, but I always get so much out of seeing him. The guy is an endless fountain of creative energy. I wish I could bottle it, or, alternatively, become his patron so he can make crazy all the live-long day. For example, one of the 100 throw-off ideas he had was to take the Gospel Bill show and dub Deadwood dialog over it. I also got some Chicago Ted CDs.

Anyway, also, saw A Scanner Darkly and then had dinner with Andrew, Barb, and Matt Allen at, as always, the Broad Ripple Brew Pub.

Now, it's Monday and I'm working from my mother's house. Posted by Picasa


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