Thursday, August 31, 2006

Muppets eating muppets


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Summer Pierre's 30 Days

My friend Summer Pierre has challenged herself to "do a something, an anything, for 30 days" - and is posting one-page autobiographical fliers to her blog. They are excellent - personal and provoking. Some highlights: Tattoo, Hate, Offices, and Velvet.

Her process.

Monday, August 28, 2006


Amy picked up this bag for me in Cambodia. It has fish. Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 25, 2006

Chihuly at the New York Botanical Garden - Last Shot

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Clean Desk

I'm not making this up. This is the product of 30 minute's labor today.


And after:
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Bronx Sunrise

I found this on the camera today. Anne must've snapped it before she left in the morning.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Greg MacPherson

A few weeks ago I discovered Greg MacPherson on the CBC Radio 3 Podcast. I was hit over the head by his song "Company Store" (On the "School of Rock" track on this podcast). Turns out he's on Propaghandi's record label. He should come to New York.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Geograflight News

Another shot from the Botanical Garden.

Over the weekend in Boston I bought, for $1, a volume 10 of Geograflight News. Published on the 10th of August, it boasts "Findings you wouldn't believe", "Simply Nothing Else Like It!", and "Full of real gems."

This slim (3 pages, double sided) newsletter has the banner headline "FBI Raid Invokes Trouble". Other articles include "Global Warming: Expedient Big Balloon Ban Project Could Fly within Six Months", "Fishing Report: Squid Abundance In The Bering Sea", and "Sports Report: Tour de France Title Stripe(sic): Doping or Dehydration Corollary". It also features a crossword.

Water Lily at New York Botanical Garden

Monday, August 21, 2006


After Saturday's Morning Date, I met Summer and Graham at Woodlawn and we hit the road north. Graham was a fantastic alligator and Summer was the DJ. A great part about living in the Bronx is that we're already 'on the mainland' and don't have to wend through NYC to get on the road to New England.

We got to Cambridge and had a quick dinner at the Druid; my great friend Jen joined us. We picked up Amy and trucked over to the Lily Pad for the show. This isn't a show review, but it was a good time.

After the show we went, at Summer's insistence, to Christina's for ice cream. Nathan got some ketchup-infused goodness. We ran Andrew back to his place, then, finally, (here's the payoff!) we got to see Nathan and Coppelia's new place! They bought a nice big house on a quiet street in Roslindale. I'd love to be their neighbor.

The picture to the side is a stained-glass window in their house.

The whole drive up and down I was singing Oh, Susquehanna to myself, much to the annoyance, I'm sure, of my passengers. Also, I tried a Coke Blak on the drive home (after a bit of a detour because I didn't trust my alligator) which was surprisingly good.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Please do not touch the plants

Chihuly at the New York Botanical Garden

Anne's parents bought us a membership to the nearby New York Botanical Garden when we moved here. Yesterday we took our first trip (Morning Date!). The garden has in installation of glass sculpture by Dale Chihuly. I took some pictures.

The scale might not be evident. This sculpture is about 20 feet tall.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Today's special

Cryptome's daily photos: today.

Recently I've been listening to the science fiction podcast Escape Pod, and I'm excited by their horror 'sister-cast' (best name ever) Pseudopod.

This is about the most amazingly offensive thing I've ever seen.

Tonight's Moon

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I control the weather!

MNO snapped this shot of me over the weekend. It's raining again here today.

Last night, when the weather was better, I saw a whole mess of bands at Tompkins Square Park. Specifically: Wombat (in?) Combat, Team Spider, the Psalters, and Defiance Ohio. I really went to see the midwesterners but the other bands, especially the Psalters, were a pleastant surprise. And Wombat Combat wins the Best Name award.

Someone is making a High Fidelity musical. I loved the book and the movie and this seems horrible.

Cablevision is down. This is bad, especially since it means phone service is out. Good thing my neighbor with unsecured wifi is on Verizon!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Joe Bonomo, a k a His Holiness Krsna Balarama Swami, filed the suit against the group's treasurer, Susan Bauer, a k a Eternal Love, in Manhattan


Friday, August 11, 2006

The forest that is my office

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Back to Woodlawn

Frickin' Summer Pierre and I went to the Woodlawn Cemetery today. This time I saw Irving Berlin's grave (after we walked past it four times) and explored some new sections. Then I brought her home and fed her and showed her to my wife. Posted by Picasa

Totally Orange

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Thursday, August 10, 2006


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Next to Herman

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006


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Michael, Anne, and I went to Woodlawn cemetery over the weekend. I wore a Panama hat. Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 07, 2006

Some Flickr Graffiti


From the Connecticut Coast

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Congratulations, Kristin and Tev!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Sky-rat update

Anne's cousins sent us a plastic owl (score!) which is now roosting on our balcony. We've had it up for a day. Fewer pigeons yesterday than average, but need more data to be conclusive.