Here I am in Indiana. I'll try not to bore you, but I had a great weekend: Arrived Saturday morning, went with my mother to the Indianapolis Museum of Art. The IMA is renovating and slowly opening more galleries. Since I had last been there they've opened their African gallery (with a random Polynesian annex) which I thought was great - fantastic selection of art and some examples on how it informed European impressionists. Anyway, more excitingly I suppose, there was a temporary exhibit of the neon work of Bruce Nauman. The woman who gave us tickets warned us about the "Adult Content In The Last Room" - she practically shouted it at us - and, sure enough, there was a giant neon boners conga line in the last room. Where I was standing with my mother. Aye.
Saturday night I spent some time with the always-excellent Matt Allen and his poochito Seigfreid. We had a walk and listened to a nearby wedding. It's been nice this weekend to drive around Indy alone. Familiarity after a couple months of no-fixed-location and then moving to a new city.
Sunday morning I did the God thing, made breakfast with my mother (eggs and fruit), and in the early afternoon went to see my fantastic friend Steve. Not to be mushy, but I always get so much out of seeing him. The guy is an endless fountain of creative energy. I wish I could bottle it, or, alternatively, become his patron so he can make crazy all the live-long day. For example, one of the 100 throw-off ideas he had was to take the Gospel Bill show and dub Deadwood dialog over it. I also got some Chicago Ted CDs.
Anyway, also, saw A Scanner Darkly and then had dinner with Andrew, Barb, and Matt Allen at, as always, the Broad Ripple Brew Pub.
Now, it's Monday and I'm working from my mother's house.